Thursday, November 26, 2009

What Do Actors and Programmers Have in Common?

Artigo interessante sobre metodologias (estrategias?) partilhadas por estes dois grupos, aparentemente tão distintos :)

So, what do actors and programmers have in common?
Well, some amazingly fundamental things as it turns out:

* Iterative work
* Collaboration
* Innovation

Theatre work and product development both thrive on iteration and collaboration. Lee described this in terms of rehearsal and the emergent look of a play leading up to and even after opening night. Rob affirmed the value of a collaborative and iterative approach in product development[…]

Mais aqui:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to implement Scrum in 10 easy steps :)

Artigo que propõe uma metodologia para aplicar a metodologia :)
Scrum, entenda-se :))


- Step #1: Get your backlog in order!
- Step #2: How to estimate your product backlog
- Step #3: Sprint Planning/clarify requirements
- Step #4: Sprint Planning/estimate tasks
- Step #5: Create a collaborative workspace
- Step #6: Sprint!
- Step #7: Stand up and be counted!
- Step #8: Track progress with a daily burndown chart
- Step #9: Finish when you said you would
- Step #10: Review, reflect, repeat...

Pragmatic Agile Development (PAD)

Uma abordagem a metodologias ageis, baseada em Scrum, mas com algumas alterações.

Aqui fica um pequeno resumo.

Pragmatic Agile Development (PAD) and Agile Scrum

It is important to note that the way we use Agile Scrum varies from a purist version of Scrum as we have made modifications to Agile Scrum to work well for our development environment. Our version of Scrum is called Pragmatic Agile Development (PAD) and differs from a more purist Scrum implementation in these ways:

1. Scrum Planning - In Scrum, planning for an upcoming sprint is accomplished in 1 day, in PAD the planning spans 1 week. This is because we write more detailed specifications than a purist Scrum does (see next bullet item).
2. User Stories vs. Specifications - In Scrum, requirements are written on index cards (called User Stories) and does not contain prototypes or detailed explanations of the feature set. In PAD, we spend time detailing the requirement specifications with prototypes to ensure that time is well spent on the feature, reducing rework.
3. 30 Day Sprints - In Scrum, development is done in 30 calendar days. In PAD, development is done in 30 working days, skipping holidays. This provides us with more evenly distributed sprints.
4. Team Composition - In Scrum, developers are expected to perform all duties (analysis, design, coding, test case development, execution, and documentation). In PAD, developers help with analysis and design and perform all the coding. We have specialized team members (Software Quality Engineers) for test case development and specialized team members for documentation. We do this because our experience has shown that we need specialists in these areas.

E o link:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

KISS! :)

KISS. Keep IT Simple Stupid.

Manter o SCRUM simples, nao complicar.
O que quer dizer isto??

Manter as stories simples.
Manter a Review/Planning Meetings simples.
Etc, etc, etc...
Simplicidade. Simplicidade. Simplicidade.


Artigos interessantes sobre KISS e SCRUM :)

E ainda, YAGNI :)

Tudo deve ser feito da forma mais simples possível, mas não mais simples que isso.
Albert Einstein

A perfeição é alcançada não quando não há mais nada para adicionar,
mas quando não há mais nada que se possa retirar.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

A simplicidade é a ultima sofisticação.
Leonardo Da Vinci
